...stays in EC tunnel. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than this place.
Looking for a good time?Just gotta show the money - fun comes in all flavors.Pretty sure this guy's the pimp-daddyUntil I saw this guy - talk about stylin'! Get this guy some platform shoes with goldfish!The one and only original Mule, spawning a bunch of copycats.Like Muleofectunnel, or Torchmule...Or Mewle...Or Danthemule...Or Mulester... they're all just jealousBut there are other ways to show you're selling..If you're going cheap, find this guy.Or try bargaining with this guy.So this is what happens after you retire - you start a new empire in ECClearly this guy in Rivervale was an imposter.This guy enforces the peace - when he is able to see.Diglet's Mom patrols the tunnel to make sure her son doesn't hang out with degenerates - or so she saysRule #1 - You do not talk about Fight Club!Ogre 1: Duh.. what wuz rule #2 again brudder? Ogre 2: Less talky, more bashy!Whispering softly to me - "I'm Badman"Wash your ears, if you decide to stand between these two.Wubbalubadubdub - Mokubokujobokob's long lost brother.Easy to break your back carrying all that lootzSwimming lessons available in EC.And other lessons too...Behind on your taxes? Find Accountant before they send the Freeport Militia after you.Or Marketer, if you are trying to sell the next best thing.Stop by Grocery Store if you get hungry from all that shopping.Bueler? Bueler? Anyone?