When you spend enough time at the druid rings, you get to see a lot of interesting names. Seen any others that make you LOL? Send me your screenshots!
Bigrisk Bigrewards - He needs to start quadding dragons.Healin Drood - Silly, everyone knows real dr00dz don't heal!Beepbeep - Taxi or roadrunner sighting?Iamadruidlol - say that 10 times fast!Notadruid - no ports, no SOW for you.Quadporter - Porting 4 at a time is the real secret to earning platz.Iportforplat - not for hugs.Smoothone - You won't find a ride smoother than this....Willlie Nelson - Thought he gave up the herb, but looks like he's still toking....Tytya - Etiquette still matters to some druids...Riskee Bidness - don't EJAC unbuffed and unprotected with this guyAggro Control - making pp to afford enchanter schoolShortiepowah - gotta be honest, sometimes I just want to shout that out like a battle cry.If you can type his name, you get a free port.Freekof Nature - mutant life ain't easyBelgianwaffle - feeling hungry?This guy runs as fast as Nillipuss.